Crocodile Fern Plant
Crocodile fern plant
Crocodile ferns need regular water, but the plant won't last long in soggy, poorly drained soil. A rich, well-drained potting soil such as a soil formulated for African violets works very well. To keep the plant happy, water whenever the surface of the potting mix feels slightly dry.
How often do you water crocodile fern?
Keep moist but not soggy from March - September. Reduce water during winter month, allow the soil to almost dry out. Mist once every two weeks with a fine mister using lukewarm water.
Is crocodile fern poisonous?
Crocodile Ferns are non-poisonous plants and safe for humans, dogs, and cats.
Do crocodile ferns like to be misted?
Humidity: High humidity and regular misting is a must for this fern. A high level of humidity prevents browning of the leaf edges and promotes healthy lush growth. Temperature: Ideal temperatures range between 18°C and 23°C, it can tolerate cooler temperatures however they should not descend lower than 12°C.
Is crocodile fern easy to care for?
For such an exotic plant, crocodile ferns can be easy to care for, but remember to give them a little TLC along the way. Plenty of water and humidity will keep your fern happy. Just be sure that your soil and pot drain easily. Because crocodile ferns love humidity, they make great additions to bathrooms or kitchens.
How big does a crocodile fern get?
Growth. The Crocodile Fern grows along a creeping rhizome, and reportedly these can grow huge in the wild (up to 6 feet!), but indoors – and especially in terrariums – they're not likely to grow anywhere near that.
What temperature do crocodile ferns like?
Use a diluted water-soluble fertilizer specifically formulated for ferns. Feed once a month during spring and summer to promote healthy growth. The ideal temperatures for this fern to thrive are in ranges between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Colder temperatures might cause the Crocodile fern's growth to slow down.
Should ferns be misted daily?
Using a mist spray three or four times a day will help to maintain luxuriant growth. Misting is good for broad-leaf ferns and those of simple-leaf forms. Use less spray on crinkled varieties, which tend to collect moisture and hold it, contributing to development of fungus.
Why is my crocodile fern droopy?
The most common reason your Crocodile fern may be dying is likely due to improper or no light or overwatering. If you're seeing yellow leaves, this is likely a sign of watering too much. However, if your Crocodile Fern is drooping or wilting, it's likely a sign that you need more light and water for healthy growth.
What are the dangers of ferns?
Impacts: All parts of bracken fern, including rootstocks, fresh or dry leaves, fiddleheads, and spores, contain toxic compounds that are poisonous to livestock and humans. Poisoning often occurs in spring when young shoots sprout and during late summer when other feed is scarce.
What are the benefits of crocodile fern?
They Improve Air Quality. Another great reason to get a fern is that they improve the quality of the air you're breathing in. When you live in a city the quality of the air can deteriorate rapidly so its important that the air you breathe in is clean and good for you.
Why are my crocodile fern leaves turning yellow?
Overwatering can be a real threat for the crocodile fern, causing fungal problems such as root rot. If you notice that the leaves turn yellow, then soft and brown, take the fern out of the pot and inspect the roots. Trim off any sections that are soft and black, and repot in a well-draining, aerated potting mix.
Do ferns like deep or shallow pots?
Most ferns develop shallow root systems, so shallow pots or pans are best. To maintain the proper balance of root systems and space, some ferns, depending on growth rate, need repotting several times a year.
How do I keep my ferns happy?
Give them filtered shade; they can't take direct, hot sun. If your home is dry, mist your fern regularly or put it on a tray filled with pebbles and a little water. To avoid root rot, don't let the bottom of the pot touch the water.
Do ferns like tight pots?
Pots should be large enough to accommodate the roots with an extra inch of space for further growth. Fern roots tend to be shallow, so short containers are best. Most ferns grow slowly but you should repot when they begin to overcrowd their containers, before they become root bound.
Why are ferns so hard to keep alive?
Ferns don't like the wind; so keep them sheltered and out of spaces like corridors that can create wind tunnels. Wet feet: ferns love water but they hate being soggy (it's all a very delicate mix). If the leaves of your fern are yellow and wilted you're over watering them.
Are crocodile ferns toxic to dogs?
Crocodile Ferns are non-poisonous plants and safe for humans, dogs, and cats. Trim off crowded fronds with clean, sharp shears to encourage airflow.
Does crocodile plant need sun?
Most people assume ferns thrive in the shadows, but these Crocodile Ferns need some light, so don't hide them in dark corners. Medium, indirect dappled light will bring out the best in them (picture them under a thick canopy of trees on a sunny day). Avoid direct sunlight.
How long do ferns live for?
Each fern species has a different life-span. However, the longest-living fern species can live up to 100 years.
Do ferns like full sun or shade?
Ferns are a natural inhabitant of shady areas, most commonly found where they will get at least some sun during part of the day or where they will receive dappled sunlight most of the day. In fact most ferns will not grow that well in real dense shade, they need a bit of sun to grow their best.
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